Regular price $100.001. Poison Pushy
2. Licorice
3. Big 'Uns Get the Ball Rolling
4. Chilcock
5. (Don't Be Comin' With No) Weak Sauce
6. Dunkin' In the Deep
7. Maple Plank
8. Water From An Ancient Wall
9. When the Levee Breaks
10. I Shall Not Be Moved
New Orleans based jazz funk drummer Stanton Moore was a founding member of the Â"steamroller funkÂ" band Galactic in the early 1990s, and has dabbled in a variety of progressive jazz projects in the years since. His discography includes two solo recordings (All Kooked Out in 1998 and Flyin the Koop in 2001) and a host of collaborative projects, including Garage a Trois, a progressive jazz trio with eight-string guitarist Charlie Hunter, saxophonist Skerik and vibraphonist Mike Dillon. Outre Mer, Garage a Trois 2005 release on Telarc, followed a consistently polyrhythmic groove, thanks in large part to MooreÂs broad range. Moore steps out on his own again for the aptly titled III, his third solo project. This recording features Robert Walter on organ and Will Bernard on guitar, along with a few special guests: Skerik, and trombonist Mark Mullins. The album was recorded at the legendary Preservation Hall in New Orleans. In the final stretch, Moore pays a solemn tribute to his beleaguered hometown with a three-song suite. It begins with beautiful rendition of South African pianist/composer Abdullah IbrahimÂs Â"Water from an Ancient Well,Â" followed by a dark and ominous rendition of Led ZeppelinÂs Â"When the Levee Breaks,Â" and closes with the gentle spiritual, Â"I Shall Not Be Moved,Â" a track that suggests perseverance and resolve.
Indeed, Moore is a survivor  literally and artistically. Despite some of his own personal setbacks in the aftermath of Katrina, he continues to channel the muse and explore the remote places where jazz, funk, soul and various other musical strains merge. III is, among other things, a survivorÂs tale  a recording that ignores adversity and pursues the creative ideal.